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Rory Trappe's Recent Galleries

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11-Jan-2025 14:50
Snowdonia - North Wales
Snowdonia - North Wales
09-Jan-2025 21:30
 Mach loop. Low flying in Wales
Mach loop. Low flying in Wales
30-Dec-2024 15:50
Maenofferen Slate Mine
Maenofferen Slate Mine
12-Nov-2024 06:21
Blaenau Ffestiniog - North Wales
Blaenau Ffestiniog - North Wales
20-Oct-2024 19:09
ANGLESEY - North Wales
ANGLESEY - North Wales
07-May-2024 14:21
This and that.
This and that.
29-Jan-2023 18:36
13-Sep-2022 20:17
05-May-2021 14:50
Bits and places
Bits and places
03-Jul-2020 19:25
Wales Rally GB 2016,2017 ,2018 & 2019
Wales Rally GB 2016,2017 ,2018 & 2019
08-Sep-2019 10:50
Mountain rescue training 29/11/2009
Mountain rescue training 29/11/2009
05-Sep-2019 20:19
Arenig Fawr B17 Flying Fortress crash site
Arenig Fawr B17 Flying Fortress crash site